hierarc.LensPosterior package


hierarc.LensPosterior.anisotropy_config module

hierarc.LensPosterior.base_config module

class hierarc.LensPosterior.base_config.BaseLensConfig(z_lens, z_source, theta_E, theta_E_error, gamma, gamma_error, r_eff, r_eff_error, kwargs_aperture, kwargs_seeing, kwargs_numerics_galkin, anisotropy_model, lens_model_list=None, kwargs_lens_light=None, lens_light_model_list=['HERNQUIST'], MGE_light=False, kwargs_mge_light=None, hernquist_approx=True, sampling_number=1000, num_psf_sampling=100, num_kin_sampling=1000, multi_observations=False, cosmo_fiducial=None, gamma_in_scaling=None, log_m2l_scaling=None, gamma_pl_scaling=None)[source]

Bases: TDCosmography, ImageModelPosterior, KinScalingConfig

This class contains and manages the base configurations of the lens posteriors and makes sure that they are universally applied consistently through the different likelihood definitions.

hierarc.LensPosterior.ddt_kin_constraints module

class hierarc.LensPosterior.ddt_kin_constraints.DdtKinConstraints(z_lens, z_source, ddt_samples, ddt_weights, theta_E, theta_E_error, gamma, gamma_error, r_eff, r_eff_error, sigma_v_measured, kwargs_aperture, kwargs_seeing, kwargs_numerics_galkin, anisotropy_model, sigma_v_error_independent=None, sigma_v_error_covariant=None, sigma_v_error_cov_matrix=None, kwargs_lens_light=None, lens_light_model_list=['HERNQUIST'], MGE_light=False, kwargs_mge_light=None, hernquist_approx=False, kappa_ext=0, kappa_ext_sigma=0, sampling_number=1000, num_psf_sampling=100, num_kin_sampling=1000, multi_observations=False, gamma_pl_scaling=None)[source]

Bases: KinConstraints

Class for sampling Ds/Dds posteriors from imaging data and kinematic constraints with additional constraints on the time-delay distance Ddt.


Routine to configure the likelihood to be used in the hierarchical sampling. In particular, a default configuration is set to compute the Gaussian approximation of Ds/Dds by sampling the posterior and the estimate of the variance of the sample. The anisotropy scaling is then performed. Different anisotropy models are supported.


num_sample_model – number of samples drawn from the lens and light model posterior to compute the dimensionless kinematic component J()


keyword arguments

hierarc.LensPosterior.ddt_kin_gauss_constraints module

class hierarc.LensPosterior.ddt_kin_gauss_constraints.DdtGaussKinConstraints(z_lens, z_source, ddt_mean, ddt_sigma, theta_E, theta_E_error, gamma, gamma_error, r_eff, r_eff_error, sigma_v_measured, kwargs_aperture, kwargs_seeing, kwargs_numerics_galkin, anisotropy_model, sigma_v_error_independent=None, sigma_v_error_covariant=None, sigma_v_error_cov_matrix=None, kwargs_lens_light=None, lens_light_model_list=['HERNQUIST'], MGE_light=False, kwargs_mge_light=None, hernquist_approx=True, kappa_ext=0, kappa_ext_sigma=0, sampling_number=1000, num_psf_sampling=100, num_kin_sampling=1000, multi_observations=False)[source]

Bases: KinConstraints

Class for sampling Ds/Dds posteriors from imaging data and kinematic constraints with additional constraints on the time-delay distance Ddt.


Routine to configure the likelihood to be used in the hierarchical sampling. In particular, a default configuration is set to compute the Gaussian approximation of Ds/Dds by sampling the posterior and the estimate of the variance of the sample. The anisotropy scaling is then performed. Different anisotropy models are supported.


num_sample_model – number of samples drawn from the lens and light model posterior to compute the dimensionless kinematic component J()


keyword arguments

hierarc.LensPosterior.imaging_constraints module

class hierarc.LensPosterior.imaging_constraints.ImageModelPosterior(theta_E, theta_E_error, gamma, gamma_error, r_eff, r_eff_error)[source]

Bases: object

Class to manage lens and light model posteriors inferred from imaging data.

draw_lens(gamma_pl=None, no_error=False)[source]
  • no_error – bool, if True, does not render from the uncertainty but uses the mean values instead

  • gamma_pl (float or None) – power law slope, if None, draws from measurement uncertainty, otherwise takes at fixed value


theta_E, gamma, r_eff, delta_r_eff

hierarc.LensPosterior.kin_constraints module

class hierarc.LensPosterior.kin_constraints.KinConstraints(z_lens, z_source, theta_E, theta_E_error, gamma, gamma_error, r_eff, r_eff_error, sigma_v_measured, kwargs_aperture, kwargs_seeing, kwargs_numerics_galkin, anisotropy_model, sigma_v_error_independent=None, sigma_v_error_covariant=None, sigma_v_error_cov_matrix=None, kwargs_lens_light=None, lens_light_model_list=['HERNQUIST'], lens_model_list=None, MGE_light=False, kwargs_mge_light=None, hernquist_approx=True, sampling_number=1000, num_psf_sampling=100, num_kin_sampling=1000, multi_observations=False, cosmo_fiducial=None, gamma_in_scaling=None, log_m2l_scaling=None, gamma_pl_scaling=None)[source]

Bases: BaseLensConfig

Class that manages constraints from Integral Field Unit spectral observations.


anisotropy scaling grid along the axes defined by ani_param_array

property error_cov_measurement

Error covariance matrix of the measured velocity dispersion data points This is either calculated from the diagonal ‘sigma_v_error_independent’ and the off- diagonal ‘sigma_v_error_covariant’ terms, or directly from the ‘sigma_v_error_cov_matrix’ if provided.


nxn matrix of the error covariances in the velocity dispersion measurements (km/s)^2


Routine to configure the likelihood to be used in the hierarchical sampling. In particular, a default configuration is set to compute the Gaussian approximation of Ds/Dds by sampling the posterior and the estimate of the variance of the sample. The anisotropy scaling is then performed. Different anisotropy models are supported.


num_sample_model – number of samples drawn from the lens and light model posterior to compute the dimensionless kinematic component J()


keyword arguments

j_kin_draw(kwargs_anisotropy, gamma_pl=None, no_error=False)[source]

One simple sampling realization of the dimensionless kinematics of the model.

  • kwargs_anisotropy – keyword argument of anisotropy setting

  • gamma_pl (float or None) – power law slope, if None, draws from measurement uncertainty, otherwise takes at fixed value

  • no_error – bool, if True, does not render from the uncertainty but uses the mean values instead


dimensionless kinematic component J() Birrer et al. 2016, 2019


num_sample_model – number of samples drawn from the lens and light model posterior to compute the dimensionless kinematic component J()


J() as array for each measurement prediction, covariance matrix in sqrt(J)

Module contents