Source code for hierarc.LensPosterior.ddt_kin_constraints

from hierarc.LensPosterior.kin_constraints import KinConstraints

[docs] class DdtKinConstraints(KinConstraints): """Class for sampling Ds/Dds posteriors from imaging data and kinematic constraints with additional constraints on the time-delay distance Ddt.""" def __init__( self, z_lens, z_source, ddt_samples, ddt_weights, theta_E, theta_E_error, gamma, gamma_error, r_eff, r_eff_error, sigma_v_measured, kwargs_aperture, kwargs_seeing, kwargs_numerics_galkin, anisotropy_model, sigma_v_error_independent=None, sigma_v_error_covariant=None, sigma_v_error_cov_matrix=None, kwargs_lens_light=None, lens_light_model_list=["HERNQUIST"], MGE_light=False, kwargs_mge_light=None, hernquist_approx=False, kappa_ext=0, kappa_ext_sigma=0, sampling_number=1000, num_psf_sampling=100, num_kin_sampling=1000, multi_observations=False, gamma_pl_scaling=None, ): """ :param z_lens: lens redshift :param z_source: source redshift :param ddt_samples: numpy array with a sample reflecting the likelihood density in Ddt given imaging data and time delays. :param ddt_weights: None or lenght of ddt_samples, weights of individual ddt_samples :param sigma_v_measured: numpy array of IFU velocity dispersion of the main deflector in km/s :param sigma_v_error_independent: numpy array of 1-sigma uncertainty in velocity dispersion of the IFU observation independent of each other :param sigma_v_error_covariant: covariant error in the measured kinematics shared among all IFU measurements :param sigma_v_error_cov_matrix: error covariance matrix in the sigma_v measurements (km/s)^2 :type sigma_v_error_cov_matrix: nxn matrix with n the length of the sigma_v_measured array :param kwargs_aperture: spectroscopic aperture keyword arguments, see lenstronomy.Galkin.aperture for options :param kwargs_seeing: seeing condition of spectroscopic observation, corresponds to kwargs_psf in the GalKin module specified in lenstronomy.GalKin.psf :param theta_E: Einstein radius (in arc seconds) :param theta_E_error: 1-sigma error on Einstein radius :param gamma: power-law slope (2 = isothermal) estimated from imaging data :param gamma_error: 1-sigma uncertainty on power-law slope :param r_eff: half-light radius of the deflector (arc seconds) :param r_eff_error: uncertainty on half-light radius :param kwargs_numerics_galkin: numerical settings for the integrated line-of-sight velocity dispersion :param anisotropy_model: type of stellar anisotropy model. See details in MamonLokasAnisotropy() class of lenstronomy.GalKin.anisotropy :param kwargs_lens_light: keyword argument list of lens light model (optional) :param kwargs_mge_light: keyword arguments that go into the MGE decomposition routine :param hernquist_approx: bool, if True, uses the Hernquist approximation for the light profile :param kappa_ext: mean of the external convergence from which the ddt constraints are coming from :param kappa_ext_sigma: 1-sigma distribution uncertainty from which the ddt constraints are coming from :param multi_observations: bool, if True, interprets kwargs_aperture and kwargs_seeing as lists of multiple observations :param gamma_pl_scaling: array of mass density profile power-law slope values (optional, otherwise None) """ self._ddt_sample, self._ddt_weights = ddt_samples, ddt_weights self._kappa_ext_mean, self._kappa_ext_sigma = kappa_ext, kappa_ext_sigma super(DdtKinConstraints, self).__init__( z_lens=z_lens, z_source=z_source, theta_E=theta_E, theta_E_error=theta_E_error, gamma=gamma, gamma_error=gamma_error, r_eff=r_eff, r_eff_error=r_eff_error, sigma_v_measured=sigma_v_measured, kwargs_aperture=kwargs_aperture, kwargs_seeing=kwargs_seeing, kwargs_numerics_galkin=kwargs_numerics_galkin, anisotropy_model=anisotropy_model, sigma_v_error_independent=sigma_v_error_independent, sigma_v_error_covariant=sigma_v_error_covariant, sigma_v_error_cov_matrix=sigma_v_error_cov_matrix, kwargs_lens_light=kwargs_lens_light, lens_light_model_list=lens_light_model_list, MGE_light=MGE_light, kwargs_mge_light=kwargs_mge_light, hernquist_approx=hernquist_approx, sampling_number=sampling_number, num_psf_sampling=num_psf_sampling, num_kin_sampling=num_kin_sampling, multi_observations=multi_observations, gamma_pl_scaling=gamma_pl_scaling, )
[docs] def hierarchy_configuration(self, num_sample_model=20): """Routine to configure the likelihood to be used in the hierarchical sampling. In particular, a default configuration is set to compute the Gaussian approximation of Ds/Dds by sampling the posterior and the estimate of the variance of the sample. The anisotropy scaling is then performed. Different anisotropy models are supported. :param num_sample_model: number of samples drawn from the lens and light model posterior to compute the dimensionless kinematic component J() :return: keyword arguments """ j_model_list, error_cov_j_sqrt = self.model_marginalization(num_sample_model) ani_scaling_array_list = self.anisotropy_scaling() error_cov_measurement = self.error_cov_measurement # configuration keyword arguments for the hierarchical sampling kwargs_likelihood = { "z_lens": self._z_lens, "z_source": self._z_source, "likelihood_type": "DdtHistKin", "ddt_samples": self._ddt_sample, "ddt_weights": self._ddt_weights, "sigma_v_measurement": self._sigma_v_measured, "anisotropy_model": self._anisotropy_model, "j_model": j_model_list, "error_cov_measurement": error_cov_measurement, "error_cov_j_sqrt": error_cov_j_sqrt, "kin_scaling_param_list": self.param_name_list, "j_kin_scaling_param_axes": self.kin_scaling_param_array, "j_kin_scaling_grid_list": ani_scaling_array_list, } prior_list = [] if "gamma_pl" in self._param_name_list: prior_list.append(["gamma_pl", self._gamma, self._gamma_error]) # TODO: make sure to add other priors if needed or available # if "gamma_in" in self._param_name_list: # prior_list.append(["gamma_in"]) kwargs_likelihood["prior_list"] = prior_list # if "gamma_pl" in self._param_name_list: # kwargs_likelihood["gamma_pl_sampling"] = True return kwargs_likelihood