Source code for hierarc.LensPosterior.imaging_constraints
import numpy as np
class ImageModelPosterior(object):
"""Class to manage lens and light model posteriors inferred from imaging data."""
def __init__(self, theta_E, theta_E_error, gamma, gamma_error, r_eff, r_eff_error):
:param theta_E: Einstein radius (in arc seconds)
:param theta_E_error: 1-sigma error on Einstein radius
:param gamma: power-law slope (2 = isothermal) estimated from imaging data
:param gamma_error: 1-sigma uncertainty on power-law slope
:param r_eff: half-light radius of the deflector (arc seconds)
:param r_eff_error: uncertainty on half-light radius
self._theta_E, self._theta_E_error = theta_E, theta_E_error
self._gamma, self._gamma_error = gamma, gamma_error
self._r_eff, self._r_eff_error = r_eff, r_eff_error
def draw_lens(self, gamma_pl=None, no_error=False):
:param no_error: bool, if True, does not render from the uncertainty but uses the mean values instead
:param gamma_pl: power law slope, if None, draws from measurement uncertainty, otherwise takes at fixed value
:type gamma_pl: float or None
:return: theta_E, gamma, r_eff, delta_r_eff
if no_error is True:
if gamma_pl is None:
gamma_pl = self._gamma
return self._theta_E, gamma_pl, self._r_eff, 1
theta_E_draw = np.maximum(
np.random.normal(loc=self._theta_E, scale=self._theta_E_error), 0
if gamma_pl is None:
gamma_draw = np.random.normal(loc=self._gamma, scale=self._gamma_error)
# distributions are drawn in the range [1, 3)
# the power-law slope gamma=3 is divergent in mass in the center and values close to =3 may be unstable
# to compute the kinematics for.
gamma_draw = np.maximum(gamma_draw, 1.0)
gamma_draw = np.minimum(gamma_draw, 2.999)
gamma_draw = gamma_pl
# we make sure no negative r_eff are being sampled
delta_r_eff = np.maximum(
np.random.normal(loc=1, scale=self._r_eff_error / self._r_eff), 0.001
r_eff_draw = delta_r_eff * self._r_eff
return theta_E_draw, gamma_draw, r_eff_draw, delta_r_eff