hierarc.Diagnostics package¶
hierarc.Diagnostics.goodness_of_fit module¶
- class hierarc.Diagnostics.goodness_of_fit.GoodnessOfFit(kwargs_likelihood_list, kwargs_model)[source]¶
Class to manage goodness of fit diagnostics.
- kin_fit(cosmo, kwargs_lens, kwargs_kin, kwargs_los)[source]¶
Plots the prediction and the uncorrelated error bars on the individual lenses currently works for likelihood classes ‘TDKinGaussian’, ‘KinGaussian’.
- Parameters:
cosmo – astropy.cosmology instance
kwargs_lens – lens model parameter keyword arguments
kwargs_kin – kinematics model keyword arguments
kwargs_los – line of sight list of dictionaries
- Returns:
list of name, measurement, measurement errors, model prediction, model prediction error
- plot_ddt_fit(cosmo, kwargs_lens, kwargs_kin, kwargs_los, color_measurement=None, color_prediction=None, redshift_trend=False)[source]¶
Plots the prediction and the uncorrelated error bars on the individual lenses currently works for likelihood classes ‘TDKinGaussian’, ‘KinGaussian’.
- Parameters:
cosmo – astropy.cosmology instance
kwargs_lens – lens model parameter keyword arguments
kwargs_kin – kinematics model keyword arguments
color_measurement – color of measurement
color_prediction – color of model prediction
redshift_trend – boolean, if True, plots as a function of redshift
- Returns:
fig, axes of matplotlib instance
- plot_ifu_fit(ax, cosmo, kwargs_lens, kwargs_kin, kwargs_los, lens_index, bin_edges, show_legend=True, color_measurement=None, color_prediction=None)[source]¶
Plot an individual IFU data goodness of fit.
- Parameters:
ax – matplotlib axes instance
cosmo – astropy.cosmology instance
kwargs_lens – lens model parameter keyword arguments
kwargs_kin – kinematics model keyword arguments
kwargs_los – line of sight list of dictionaries
lens_index – int, index in kwargs_lens to be plotted (needs to be of type ‘IFUKinCov’)
bin_edges (numpy array or float.) – radial bin edges in arc seconds. If number, then uniform bin_edges sampled from 0
show_legend – bool, to show legend
color_measurement – color of measurement
color_prediction – color of model prediction
- Returns:
figure as axes instance
- plot_kin_fit(cosmo, kwargs_lens, kwargs_kin, kwargs_los, color_measurement=None, color_prediction=None)[source]¶
Plots the prediction and the uncorrelated error bars on the individual lenses currently works for likelihood classes ‘TDKinGaussian’, ‘KinGaussian’.
- Parameters:
cosmo – astropy.cosmology instance
kwargs_lens – lens model parameter keyword arguments
kwargs_kin – kinematics model keyword arguments
kwargs_los – line of sight list of dictionaries
color_measurement – color of measurement
color_prediction – color of model prediction
- Returns:
fig, axes of matplotlib instance