hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood package


hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.base_lens_likelihood module

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.base_lens_likelihood.LensLikelihoodBase(z_lens, z_source, likelihood_type, z_source2=None, name='name', normalized=False, kwargs_lens_properties=None, **kwargs_likelihood)[source]

Bases: object

Master class containing the likelihood definitions of different analysis.


Model prediction of ratio of Einstein radii theta_E_1 / theta_E_2 or scaled deflection angles. Only computes it when likelihood is DSP.


cosmo – ~astropy.cosmology instance




Inferred Ddt from a lens model (i.e. power-law fit) and time-delay, without lambda correction (excludes also the external convergence contribution)


ddt measurement median, 1-sigma (without lambda correction factor)

log_likelihood(ddt, dd, beta_dsp=None, kin_scaling=None, sigma_v_sys_error=None, mu_intrinsic=None, gamma_pl=None, lambda_mst=None)[source]
  • ddt – time-delay distance [physical Mpc]

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the lens [physical Mpc]

  • beta_dsp – ratio of reduced deflection angles between first and second source redshift, dds1 / ds1 * ds2 / dds2

  • kin_scaling – array of size of the velocity dispersion measurement or None, scaling of the predicted dimensionless quantity J (proportional to sigma_v^2) of the anisotropy model in the sampling relative to the anisotropy model used to derive the prediction and covariance matrix in the init of this class.

  • sigma_v_sys_error – unaccounted uncertainty in the velocity dispersion measurement

  • mu_intrinsic – float, intrinsic source brightness (in magnitude)

  • gamma_pl – power-law density slope of main deflector (=2 being isothermal) (only used for DSP likelihood)

  • lambda_mst – mass-sheet transform at the main deflector (only used for DSP likelihood)


natural logarithm of the likelihood of the data given the model


Number of data points across the lens sample.




data vector, measurement covariance matrix for velocity dispersion

sigma_v_prediction(ddt, dd, kin_scaling=None)[source]
  • ddt – ddt in physical Mpc

  • dd – dd in physical Mpc

  • kin_scaling – anisotropy scaling in J


model predicted velocity dispersion (vector) and model covariance matrix thereof

hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_dd_gauss_likelihood module

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_dd_gauss_likelihood.DdtDdGaussian(z_lens, z_source, ddt_mean, ddt_sigma, dd_mean, dd_sigma)[source]

Bases: object

Class for joint kinematics and time delay likelihood assuming independent Gaussian likelihoods in Ddt and Dd.

Attention: Gaussian errors in the velocity dispersion do not translate into Gaussian uncertainties in Dd.


mean, 1-sigma of the ddt inference/model measurement

log_likelihood(ddt, dd, kin_scaling=None)[source]
  • ddt – time-delay distance

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the deflector

  • kin_scaling – array of size of the velocity dispersion measurement or None, scaling of the predicted dimensionless quantity J (proportional to sigma_v^2) of the anisotropy model in the sampling relative to the anisotropy model used to derive the prediction and covariance matrix in the init of this class.


log likelihood given the single lens analysis

hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_dd_kde_likelihood module

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_dd_kde_likelihood.DdtDdKDELikelihood(z_lens, z_source, dd_samples, ddt_samples, kde_type='scipy_gaussian', bandwidth=1, interpol=False, num_interp_grid=100)[source]

Bases: object

Class for evaluating the 2-d posterior of Ddt vs Dd coming from a lens with time delays and kinematics measurement.

log_likelihood(ddt, dd, kin_scaling=None)[source]
  • ddt – time-delay distance

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the deflector

  • kin_scaling – array of size of the velocity dispersion measurement or None, scaling of the predicted dimensionless quantity J (proportional to sigma_v^2) of the anisotropy model in the sampling relative to the anisotropy model used to derive the prediction and covariance matrix in the init of this class.


log likelihood given the single lens analysis

hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_gauss_kin_likelihood module

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_gauss_kin_likelihood.DdtGaussKinLikelihood(z_lens, z_source, ddt_mean, ddt_sigma, sigma_v_measurement, j_model, error_cov_measurement, error_cov_j_sqrt, sigma_sys_error_include=False, normalized=True)[source]

Bases: object

Class for joint kinematics and time delay likelihood assuming that they are independent Uses KinLikelihood and DdtHistLikelihood combined.


mean, 1-sigma of the ddt inference/model measurement

log_likelihood(ddt, dd, kin_scaling=None, sigma_v_sys_error=None, sigma_v_sys_offset=None)[source]
  • ddt – time-delay distance

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the deflector

  • kin_scaling – array of size of the velocity dispersion measurement or None, scaling of the predicted dimensionless quantity J (proportional to sigma_v^2) of the anisotropy model in the sampling relative to the anisotropy model used to derive the prediction and covariance matrix in the init of this class.

  • sigma_v_sys_error – float (optional) added error on the velocity dispersion measurement in quadrature

  • sigma_v_sys_offset – float (optional) for a fractional systematic offset in the kinematic measurement such that sigma_v = sigma_v_measured * (1 + sigma_v_sys_offset)


log likelihood given the single lens analysis

sigma_v_measurement(sigma_v_sys_error=None, sigma_v_sys_offset=None)[source]
  • sigma_v_sys_error – float (optional) added error on the velocity dispersion measurement in quadrature

  • sigma_v_sys_offset – float (optional) for a fractional systematic offset in the kinematic measurement such that sigma_v = sigma_v_measured * (1 + sigma_v_sys_offset)


measurement mean (vector), measurement covariance matrix

sigma_v_prediction(ddt, dd, kin_scaling=1)[source]

Model prediction mean velocity dispersion vector and model prediction covariance matrix.

  • ddt – time-delay distance

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the deflector

  • kin_scaling – array of size of the velocity dispersion measurement or None, scaling of the predicted dimensionless quantity J (proportional to sigma_v^2) of the anisotropy model in the sampling relative to the anisotropy model used to derive the prediction and covariance matrix in the init of this class.


model prediction mean velocity dispersion vector and model prediction covariance matrix

hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_gauss_likelihood module

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_gauss_likelihood.DdtGaussianLikelihood(z_lens, z_source, ddt_mean, ddt_sigma)[source]

Bases: object

Class to handle cosmographic likelihood coming from modeling lenses with imaging and kinematic data but no time delays. Thus Ddt is not constrained but the kinematics can constrain Ds/Dds.

The current version includes a Gaussian in Ds/Dds but can be extended.


mean, 1-sigma of the ddt inference/model measurement

log_likelihood(ddt, dd=None)[source]
  • ddt – time-delay distance

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the deflector


log likelihood given the single lens analysis

hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_hist_kin_likelihood module

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_hist_kin_likelihood.DdtHistKinLikelihood(z_lens, z_source, ddt_samples, sigma_v_measurement, j_model, error_cov_measurement, error_cov_j_sqrt, ddt_weights=None, kde_kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=20, nbins_hist=200, sigma_sys_error_include=False, normalized=True)[source]

Bases: object

Class for joint kinematics and time delay likelihood assuming that they are independent Uses KinLikelihood and DdtHistLikelihood combined.


mean, 1-sigma of the ddt inference/model measurement

log_likelihood(ddt, dd, kin_scaling=None, sigma_v_sys_error=None)[source]
  • ddt – time-delay distance

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the deflector

  • kin_scaling – numpy array of anisotropy scaling on prediction of Ds/Dds


log likelihood given the single lens analysis

sigma_v_measurement(sigma_v_sys_error=None, sigma_v_sys_offset=None)[source]
  • sigma_v_sys_error – float (optional) added error on the velocity dispersion measurement in quadrature

  • sigma_v_sys_offset – float (optional) for a fractional systematic offset in the kinematic measurement such that sigma_v = sigma_v_measured * (1 + sigma_v_sys_offset)


measurement mean (vector), measurement covariance matrix

sigma_v_prediction(ddt, dd, kin_scaling=1)[source]

Model prediction mean velocity dispersion vector and model prediction covariance matrix.

  • ddt – time-delay distance

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the deflector

  • kin_scaling – array of size of the velocity dispersion measurement or None, scaling of the predicted dimensionless quantity J (proportional to sigma_v^2) of the anisotropy model in the sampling relative to the anisotropy model used to derive the prediction and covariance matrix in the init of this class.


model prediction mean velocity dispersion vector and model prediction covariance matrix

hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_hist_likelihood module

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_hist_likelihood.DdtHistKDELikelihood(z_lens, z_source, ddt_samples, kde_kernel='gaussian', ddt_weights=None, bandwidth=20, nbins_hist=200, normalized=False)[source]

Bases: object

Evaluates the likelihood of a time-delay distance ddt (in Mpc) against the model predictions, using a loglikelihood sampled from a Kernel Density Estimator. the KDE is constructed using a binned version of the full samples. Greatly improves speed at the cost of a (tiny) loss in precision.

__warning:: you should adjust bandwidth and nbins_hist to the spacing and size of your samples chain!

original source: https://github.com/shsuyu/H0LiCOW-public/blob/master/H0_inference_code/lensutils.py credits to Martin Millon, Aymeric Galan


mean, 1-sigma of the ddt inference/model measurement

log_likelihood(ddt, dd=None)[source]

Note: kinematics + imaging data can constrain Ds/Dds. The input of Ddt, Dd is transformed here to match Ds/Dds

  • ddt – time-delay distance

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the deflector


log likelihood given the single lens analysis

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_hist_likelihood.DdtHistLikelihood(z_lens, z_source, ddt_samples, ddt_weights=None, nbins_hist=200, normalized=False, binning_method=None)[source]

Bases: object

Evaluates the likelihood of a time-delay distance ddt (in Mpc) against the model predictions, using a loglikelihood sampled from a Kernel Density Estimator. The KDE is constructed using a binned version of the full samples. Greatly improves speed at the cost of a (tiny) loss in precision.


you should adjust bandwidth and nbins_hist to the spacing and size of your samples chain!

original source: https://github.com/shsuyu/H0LiCOW-public/blob/master/H0_inference_code/lensutils.py credits to Martin Millon, Aymeric Galan


mean, 1-sigma of the ddt inference/model measurement

log_likelihood(ddt, dd=None)[source]

Note: kinematics + imaging data can constrain Ds/Dds. The input of Ddt, Dd is transformed here to match Ds/Dds

  • ddt – time-delay distance

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the deflector


log likelihood given the single lens analysis

hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_lognorm_likelihood module

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_lognorm_likelihood.DdtLogNormLikelihood(z_lens, z_source, ddt_mu, ddt_sigma)[source]

Bases: object

The cosmographic likelihood coming from modeling lenses with imaging and kinematic data but no time delays, where the form of the likelihood is a lognormal distribution. Thus Ddt is not constrained but the kinematics can constrain Ds/Dds.

The current version includes a Gaussian in Ds/Dds but can be extended.

log_likelihood(ddt, dd=None)[source]

Note: kinematics + imaging data can constrain Ds/Dds. The input of Ddt, Dd is transformed here to match Ds/Dds

  • ddt – time-delay distance

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the deflector


log likelihood given the single lens analysis

hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ds_dds_gauss_likelihood module

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ds_dds_gauss_likelihood.DsDdsGaussianLikelihood(z_lens, z_source, ds_dds_mean, ds_dds_sigma)[source]

Bases: object

Class to handle cosmographic likelihood coming from modeling lenses with imaging and kinematic data but no time delays.

Thus Ddt is not constrained but the kinematics can constrain Ds/Dds. The likelihood in Ds/Dds is assumed Gaussian. Attention: Gaussian uncertainties in velocity dispersion do not translate into Gaussian uncertainties in Ds/Dds.

log_likelihood(ddt, dd, kin_scaling=None)[source]

Note: kinematics + imaging data can constrain Ds/Dds. The input of Ddt, Dd is transformed here to match Ds/Dds

  • ddt – time-delay distance

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the deflector

  • kin_scaling – array of size of the velocity dispersion measurement or None, scaling of the predicted dimensionless quantity J (proportional to sigma_v^2) of the anisotropy model in the sampling relative to the anisotropy model used to derive the prediction and covariance matrix in the init of this class.


log likelihood given the single lens analysis

hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.kin_likelihood module

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.kin_likelihood.KinLikelihood(z_lens, z_source, sigma_v_measurement, j_model, error_cov_measurement, error_cov_j_sqrt, normalized=True, sigma_sys_error_include=False)[source]

Bases: object

Likelihood to deal with IFU kinematics constraints with covariances in both the model and measured velocity dispersion.


sigma_v_sys_error – float (optional) added error on the velocity dispersion measurement in quadrature


error covariance matrix of the velocity dispersion measurements

cov_error_model(ds_dds, kin_scaling=1)[source]
  • ds_dds – Ds/Dds

  • kin_scaling – scaling of the anisotropy affecting sigma_v^2


covariance matrix of the error in the predicted model (from mass model uncertainties)

log_likelihood(ddt, dd, kin_scaling=None, sigma_v_sys_error=None, sigma_v_sys_offset=None)[source]

Note: kinematics + imaging data can constrain Ds/Dds. The input of Ddt, Dd is transformed here to match Ds/Dds

  • ddt – time-delay distance

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the deflector

  • kin_scaling – array of size of the velocity dispersion measurement or None, scaling of the predicted dimensionless quantity J (proportional to sigma_v^2) of the anisotropy model in the sampling relative to the anisotropy model used to derive the prediction and covariance matrix in the init of this class.

  • sigma_v_sys_error – float (optional) added error on the velocity dispersion measurement in quadrature

  • sigma_v_sys_offset – float (optional) for a fractional systematic offset in the kinematic measurement such that sigma_v = sigma_v_measured * (1 + sigma_v_sys_offset)


log likelihood given the single lens analysis

sigma_v_measurement(sigma_v_sys_error=None, sigma_v_sys_offset=None)[source]
  • sigma_v_sys_error – float (optional) added error on the velocity dispersion measurement in quadrature

  • sigma_v_sys_offset – float (optional) for a fractional systematic offset in the kinematic measurement such that sigma_v = sigma_v_measured * (1 + sigma_v_sys_offset)


measurement mean (vector), measurement covariance matrix


sigma_v_sys_offset – float (optional) for a fractional systematic offset in the kinematic measurement such that sigma_v = sigma_v_measured * (1 + sigma_v_sys_offset)


corrected measured velocity dispersion

sigma_v_model(ds_dds, kin_scaling=1)[source]

Model predicted velocity dispersion for the IFU’s.

  • ds_dds – Ds/Dds

  • kin_scaling – scaling of the anisotropy affecting sigma_v^2


array of predicted velocity dispersions

sigma_v_prediction(ddt, dd, kin_scaling=1)[source]

Model prediction mean velocity dispersion vector and model prediction covariance matrix.

  • ddt – time-delay distance

  • dd – angular diameter distance to the deflector

  • kin_scaling – array of size of the velocity dispersion measurement or None, scaling of the predicted dimensionless quantity J (proportional to sigma_v^2) of the anisotropy model in the sampling relative to the anisotropy model used to derive the prediction and covariance matrix in the init of this class.


model prediction mean velocity dispersion vector and model prediction covariance matrix

hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.mag_likelihood module

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.mag_likelihood.MagnificationLikelihood(amp_measured, cov_amp_measured, magnification_model, cov_magnification_model, magnitude_zero_point=20)[source]

Bases: object

Likelihood of an unlensed apprarent source magnification given a measurement of the magnified brightness This can i.e. be applied to lensed SNIa on the population level.


mu_intrinsic – intrinsic brightness of the source (already incorporating the inverse MST transform)


log likelihood of the measured magnified images given the source brightness

hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.td_mag_likelihood module

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.td_mag_likelihood.TDMagLikelihood(time_delay_measured, cov_td_measured, amp_measured, cov_amp_measured, fermat_diff, magnification_model, cov_model, magnitude_zero_point=20)[source]

Bases: object

Likelihood of time delays and magnification likelihood.

This likelihood uses linear flux units and linear lensing magnifications.

log_likelihood(ddt, mu_intrinsic)[source]
  • ddt – time-delay distance (physical Mpc)

  • mu_intrinsic – intrinsic brightness of the source (already incorporating the inverse MST transform)


log likelihood of the measured magnified images given the source brightness

hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.td_mag_magnitude_likelihood module

class hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.td_mag_magnitude_likelihood.TDMagMagnitudeLikelihood(time_delay_measured, cov_td_measured, magnitude_measured, cov_magnitude_measured, fermat_diff, magnification_model, cov_model)[source]

Bases: object

Likelihood of time delays and magnification likelihood.

This likelihood uses astronomical magnitude units in flux measurement and lensing magnification and Gaussian uncertainties in this space.

log_likelihood(ddt, mu_intrinsic)[source]
  • ddt – time-delay distance (physical Mpc)

  • mu_intrinsic – intrinsic brightness of the source (already incorporating the inverse MST transform)


log likelihood of the measured magnified images given the source brightness

Module contents