Source code for hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_hist_kin_likelihood

from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.kin_likelihood import KinLikelihood
from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_hist_likelihood import DdtHistKDELikelihood

[docs] class DdtHistKinLikelihood(object): """Class for joint kinematics and time delay likelihood assuming that they are independent Uses KinLikelihood and DdtHistLikelihood combined.""" def __init__( self, z_lens, z_source, ddt_samples, sigma_v_measurement, j_model, error_cov_measurement, error_cov_j_sqrt, ddt_weights=None, kde_kernel="gaussian", bandwidth=20, nbins_hist=200, sigma_sys_error_include=False, normalized=True, ): """ :param z_lens: lens redshift :param z_source: source redshift :param ddt_samples: numpy array of Ddt values :param ddt_weights: optional weights for the samples in Ddt :param kde_kernel: string of KDE kernel type :param bandwidth: bandwith of kernel :param nbins_hist: number of bins in the histogram :param sigma_v_measurement: numpy array, velocity dispersion measured :param j_model: numpy array of the predicted dimensionless dispersion on the IFU's :param error_cov_measurement: covariance matrix of the measured velocity dispersions in the IFU's :param error_cov_j_sqrt: covariance matrix of sqrt(J) of the model predicted dimensionless dispersion on the IFU's :param sigma_sys_error_include: bool, if True will include a systematic error in the velocity dispersion measurement (if sampled from), otherwise this sampled value is ignored. :param normalized: bool, if True, returns the normalized likelihood, if False, separates the constant prefactor (in case of a Gaussian 1/(sigma sqrt(2 pi)) ) to compute the reduced chi2 statistics """ self._tdLikelihood = DdtHistKDELikelihood( z_lens, z_source, ddt_samples, ddt_weights=ddt_weights, kde_kernel=kde_kernel, bandwidth=bandwidth, nbins_hist=nbins_hist, ) self._kinlikelihood = KinLikelihood( z_lens, z_source, sigma_v_measurement, j_model, error_cov_measurement, error_cov_j_sqrt, sigma_sys_error_include=sigma_sys_error_include, normalized=normalized, ) self.num_data = self._tdLikelihood.num_data + self._kinlikelihood.num_data
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, ddt, dd, kin_scaling=None, sigma_v_sys_error=None): """ :param ddt: time-delay distance :param dd: angular diameter distance to the deflector :param kin_scaling: numpy array of anisotropy scaling on prediction of Ds/Dds :return: log likelihood given the single lens analysis """ lnlikelihood = self._tdLikelihood.log_likelihood( ddt ) + self._kinlikelihood.log_likelihood( ddt, dd, kin_scaling, sigma_v_sys_error=sigma_v_sys_error ) return lnlikelihood
[docs] def sigma_v_prediction(self, ddt, dd, kin_scaling=1): """Model prediction mean velocity dispersion vector and model prediction covariance matrix. :param ddt: time-delay distance :param dd: angular diameter distance to the deflector :param kin_scaling: array of size of the velocity dispersion measurement or None, scaling of the predicted dimensionless quantity J (proportional to sigma_v^2) of the anisotropy model in the sampling relative to the anisotropy model used to derive the prediction and covariance matrix in the init of this class. :return: model prediction mean velocity dispersion vector and model prediction covariance matrix """ return self._kinlikelihood.sigma_v_prediction(ddt, dd, kin_scaling)
[docs] def sigma_v_measurement(self, sigma_v_sys_error=None, sigma_v_sys_offset=None): """ :param sigma_v_sys_error: float (optional) added error on the velocity dispersion measurement in quadrature :param sigma_v_sys_offset: float (optional) for a fractional systematic offset in the kinematic measurement such that sigma_v = sigma_v_measured * (1 + sigma_v_sys_offset) :return: measurement mean (vector), measurement covariance matrix """ return self._kinlikelihood.sigma_v_measurement( sigma_v_sys_error=sigma_v_sys_error, sigma_v_sys_offset=sigma_v_sys_offset )
[docs] def ddt_measurement(self): """ :return: mean, 1-sigma of the ddt inference/model measurement """ return self._tdLikelihood.ddt_measurement()