Source code for hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_hist_likelihood

import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity

[docs] class DdtHistLikelihood(object): """Evaluates the likelihood of a time-delay distance ddt (in Mpc) against the model predictions, using a loglikelihood sampled from a Kernel Density Estimator. The KDE is constructed using a binned version of the full samples. Greatly improves speed at the cost of a (tiny) loss in precision. .. warning:: you should adjust bandwidth and nbins_hist to the spacing and size of your samples chain! original source: credits to Martin Millon, Aymeric Galan """ def __init__( self, z_lens, z_source, ddt_samples, ddt_weights=None, nbins_hist=200, normalized=False, binning_method=None, ): """ :param z_lens: lens redshift :param z_source: source redshift :param ddt_samples: numpy array of Ddt values :param ddt_weights: optional weights for the samples in Ddt :param nbins_hist: number of bins in the histogram :param normalized: bool, if True, returns the normalized likelihood, if False, separates the constant prefactor (in case of a Gaussian 1/(sigma sqrt(2 pi))) to compute the reduced chi2 statistics :param binning_method: method used to calculate the bandwidth. "scott", "silverman", and a scalar constant (KDE bandwidth) are supported. (See the scipy.stats.gaussian_kde documentation for details.) """ if binning_method is None: hist = np.histogram(ddt_samples, bins=nbins_hist, weights=ddt_weights) vals = hist[0] bins = [(h + hist[1][i + 1]) / 2.0 for i, h in enumerate(hist[1][:-1])] # ignore potential zero weights, sklearn does not like them kde_bins = [b for v, b in zip(vals, bins) if v > 0] kde_weights = [v for v in vals if v > 0] self._kde = gaussian_kde(dataset=kde_bins, weights=kde_weights[:]) else: self._kde = gaussian_kde( dataset=ddt_samples, bw_method=binning_method, weights=ddt_weights ) self.num_data = 1 self._sigma = np.std(ddt_samples) self._norm_factor = 0 if normalized is False: self._norm_factor = np.log(1.0 / self._sigma / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) self._ddt_mean = np.average(ddt_samples, weights=ddt_weights) variance = np.average((ddt_samples - self._ddt_mean) ** 2, weights=ddt_weights) self._ddt_sigma = math.sqrt(variance)
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, ddt, dd=None): """ Note: kinematics + imaging data can constrain Ds/Dds. The input of Ddt, Dd is transformed here to match Ds/Dds :param ddt: time-delay distance :param dd: angular diameter distance to the deflector :return: log likelihood given the single lens analysis """ return self._kde.logpdf(ddt) - self._norm_factor
[docs] def ddt_measurement(self): """ :return: mean, 1-sigma of the ddt inference/model measurement """ return self._ddt_mean, self._ddt_sigma
[docs] class DdtHistKDELikelihood(object): """Evaluates the likelihood of a time-delay distance ddt (in Mpc) against the model predictions, using a loglikelihood sampled from a Kernel Density Estimator. the KDE is constructed using a binned version of the full samples. Greatly improves speed at the cost of a (tiny) loss in precision. __warning:: you should adjust bandwidth and nbins_hist to the spacing and size of your samples chain! original source: credits to Martin Millon, Aymeric Galan """ def __init__( self, z_lens, z_source, ddt_samples, kde_kernel="gaussian", ddt_weights=None, bandwidth=20, nbins_hist=200, normalized=False, ): """ :param z_lens: lens redshift :param z_source: source redshift :param ddt_samples: numpy array of Ddt values :param ddt_weights: optional weights for the samples in Ddt :param kde_kernel: string of KDE kernel type :param bandwidth: bandwith of kernel :param nbins_hist: number of bins in the histogram :param normalized: bool, if True, returns the normalized likelihood, if False, separates the constant prefactor (in case of a Gaussian 1/(sigma sqrt(2 pi)) ) to compute the reduced chi2 statistics """ vals, bin_edges = np.histogram( ddt_samples, bins=nbins_hist, weights=ddt_weights, density=True ) bins = [(h + bin_edges[i + 1]) / 2.0 for i, h in enumerate(bin_edges[:-1])] # ignore potential zero weights, sklearn does not like them kde_bins = [(b,) for v, b in zip(vals, bins) if v > 0] kde_weights = [v for v in vals if v > 0] kde = KernelDensity(kernel=kde_kernel, bandwidth=bandwidth).fit( kde_bins, sample_weight=kde_weights ) self._score = kde.score self.num_data = 1 self._sigma = np.std(ddt_samples) self._norm_factor = 0 if normalized is False: self._norm_factor = np.log(1.0 / self._sigma / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) self._ddt_mean = np.average(ddt_samples, weights=ddt_weights) variance = np.average((ddt_samples - self._ddt_mean) ** 2, weights=ddt_weights) self._ddt_sigma = math.sqrt(variance)
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, ddt, dd=None): """ Note: kinematics + imaging data can constrain Ds/Dds. The input of Ddt, Dd is transformed here to match Ds/Dds :param ddt: time-delay distance :param dd: angular diameter distance to the deflector :return: log likelihood given the single lens analysis """ return self._score(np.array(ddt).reshape(1, -1)) - self._norm_factor
[docs] def ddt_measurement(self): """ :return: mean, 1-sigma of the ddt inference/model measurement """ return self._ddt_mean, self._ddt_sigma