Source code for hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.base_lens_likelihood

__author__ = "sibirrer"


[docs] class LensLikelihoodBase(object): """Master class containing the likelihood definitions of different analysis.""" def __init__( self, z_lens, z_source, likelihood_type, name="name", normalized=False, kwargs_lens_properties=None, **kwargs_likelihood ): """ :param z_lens: lens redshift :param z_source: source redshift :param name: string (optional) to name the specific lens :param likelihood_type: string to specify the likelihood type :param normalized: bool, if True, returns the normalized likelihood, if False, separates the constant prefactor (in case of a Gaussian 1/(sigma sqrt(2 pi)) ) to compute the reduced chi2 statistics :param kwargs_lens_properties: keyword arguments of the lens properties :param kwargs_likelihood: keyword arguments specifying the likelihood function, see individual classes for their use """ self._name = name self.z_lens = z_lens self.z_source = z_source self.likelihood_type = likelihood_type if kwargs_lens_properties is None: kwargs_lens_properties = {} self.kwargs_lens_properties = kwargs_lens_properties if likelihood_type in ["DdtGaussian"]: from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_gauss_likelihood import ( DdtGaussianLikelihood, ) self._lens_type = DdtGaussianLikelihood( z_lens, z_source, **kwargs_likelihood ) elif likelihood_type in ["DdtDdKDE"]: from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_dd_kde_likelihood import ( DdtDdKDELikelihood, ) self._lens_type = DdtDdKDELikelihood(z_lens, z_source, **kwargs_likelihood) elif likelihood_type == "DdtDdGaussian": from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_dd_gauss_likelihood import ( DdtDdGaussian, ) self._lens_type = DdtDdGaussian(z_lens, z_source, **kwargs_likelihood) elif likelihood_type in ["DsDdsGaussian"]: from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ds_dds_gauss_likelihood import ( DsDdsGaussianLikelihood, ) self._lens_type = DsDdsGaussianLikelihood( z_lens, z_source, **kwargs_likelihood ) elif likelihood_type == "DdtLogNorm": from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_lognorm_likelihood import ( DdtLogNormLikelihood, ) self._lens_type = DdtLogNormLikelihood( z_lens, z_source, **kwargs_likelihood ) elif likelihood_type == "IFUKinCov": from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.kin_likelihood import KinLikelihood self._lens_type = KinLikelihood( z_lens, z_source, normalized=normalized, **kwargs_likelihood ) elif likelihood_type == "DdtHist": from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_hist_likelihood import ( DdtHistLikelihood, ) self._lens_type = DdtHistLikelihood(z_lens, z_source, **kwargs_likelihood) elif likelihood_type == "DdtHistKDE": from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_hist_likelihood import ( DdtHistKDELikelihood, ) self._lens_type = DdtHistKDELikelihood( z_lens, z_source, **kwargs_likelihood ) elif likelihood_type == "DdtHistKin": from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_hist_kin_likelihood import ( DdtHistKinLikelihood, ) self._lens_type = DdtHistKinLikelihood( z_lens, z_source, normalized=normalized, **kwargs_likelihood ) elif likelihood_type == "DdtGaussKin": from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.ddt_gauss_kin_likelihood import ( DdtGaussKinLikelihood, ) self._lens_type = DdtGaussKinLikelihood( z_lens, z_source, normalized=normalized, **kwargs_likelihood ) elif likelihood_type == "Mag": from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.mag_likelihood import ( MagnificationLikelihood, ) self._lens_type = MagnificationLikelihood(**kwargs_likelihood) elif likelihood_type == "TDMag": from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.td_mag_likelihood import ( TDMagLikelihood, ) self._lens_type = TDMagLikelihood(**kwargs_likelihood) elif likelihood_type == "TDMagMagnitude": from hierarc.Likelihood.LensLikelihood.td_mag_magnitude_likelihood import ( TDMagMagnitudeLikelihood, ) self._lens_type = TDMagMagnitudeLikelihood(**kwargs_likelihood) else: raise ValueError( "likelihood_type %s not supported! Supported are %s." % (likelihood_type, LIKELIHOOD_TYPES) )
[docs] def num_data(self): """Number of data points across the lens sample. :return: integer """ return self._lens_type.num_data
[docs] def log_likelihood( self, ddt, dd, kin_scaling=None, sigma_v_sys_error=None, mu_intrinsic=None ): """ :param ddt: time-delay distance [physical Mpc] :param dd: angular diameter distance to the lens [physical Mpc] :param kin_scaling: array of size of the velocity dispersion measurement or None, scaling of the predicted dimensionless quantity J (proportional to sigma_v^2) of the anisotropy model in the sampling relative to the anisotropy model used to derive the prediction and covariance matrix in the init of this class. :param sigma_v_sys_error: unaccounted uncertainty in the velocity dispersion measurement :param mu_intrinsic: float, intrinsic source brightness (in magnitude) :return: natural logarithm of the likelihood of the data given the model """ if self.likelihood_type in [ "DdtGaussian", "DdtLogNorm", "DdtHist", "DdtHistKDE", ]: return self._lens_type.log_likelihood(ddt, dd) elif self.likelihood_type in ["DdtDdKDE", "DdtDdGaussian", "DsDdsGaussian"]: return self._lens_type.log_likelihood(ddt, dd, kin_scaling=kin_scaling) elif self.likelihood_type in ["DdtHistKin", "IFUKinCov", "DdtGaussKin"]: return self._lens_type.log_likelihood( ddt, dd, kin_scaling=kin_scaling, sigma_v_sys_error=sigma_v_sys_error, ) elif self.likelihood_type in ["Mag"]: return self._lens_type.log_likelihood(mu_intrinsic=mu_intrinsic) elif self.likelihood_type in ["TDMag", "TDMagMagnitude"]: return self._lens_type.log_likelihood(ddt=ddt, mu_intrinsic=mu_intrinsic) else: raise ValueError( "likelihood type %s not fully supported." % self.likelihood_type )
[docs] def ddt_measurement(self): """Inferred Ddt from a lens model (i.e. power-law fit) and time-delay, without lambda correction (excludes also the external convergence contribution) :return: ddt measurement median, 1-sigma (without lambda correction factor) """ if self.likelihood_type in [ "DdtGaussian", "DdtHist", "DdtHistKDE", "DdtHistKin", "DdtGaussKin", ]: return self._lens_type.ddt_measurement() return None, None
[docs] def sigma_v_measurement(self, sigma_v_sys_error=None): """ :return: data vector, measurement covariance matrix for velocity dispersion """ if self.likelihood_type in ["DdtHistKin", "IFUKinCov", "DdtGaussKin"]: return self._lens_type.sigma_v_measurement( sigma_v_sys_error=sigma_v_sys_error ) return None, None
[docs] def sigma_v_prediction(self, ddt, dd, kin_scaling=None): """ :param ddt: ddt in physical Mpc :param dd: dd in physical Mpc :param kin_scaling: anisotropy scaling in J :return: model predicted velocity dispersion (vector) and model covariance matrix thereof """ if self.likelihood_type in ["DdtHistKin", "IFUKinCov", "DdtGaussKin"]: return self._lens_type.sigma_v_prediction(ddt, dd, kin_scaling) return None, None